Giving Back

Making your adventure count

We love our country with a passion, which is why we operate a business that showcases its beauty to tourists. We believe the villages and culture of the people who live there are one of the most important aspects of these islands for visitors and therefore our company and therefore we want to ensure these islands and their people are cared for.

The Yasawa Islands at first glance, are ‘paradise’ and its this perfection that most travellers seek and experience. However, to the people who live in these remote island villages, paradise is far from reality. Some of these small communities live without the basic needs of fresh water, power, education and health facilities. 

Founded in 2010 but South Sea Cruises Group (the parent company of Awesome Adventures Fiji), Vinaka Fiji is a charitable organisation that gives back to the remote villages and communities of the Yasawa Islands.

For every Awesome Adventures Package sold, FJ$10 is donated to Vinaka Fiji to help improve the basic needs and amenities missing from village life and ensure sustainable practices are in place to preserve and enhance the environment.

Vinaka Fiji's work

Vinaka, meaning ‘thank you’ in Fijian, is our way of thanking the communities of the Yasawa Islands for welcoming us to their region. Not long after starting Awesome adventures Fiji, we soon realized that day to day life in the Yasawa islands was a struggle with immense shortages of clean drinking water, little to no health services of facilities, poor nutrition, a lack of educational support and supplies, inadequate power, and non-sustainable practices. 

Using funds raised through South Sea Cruises Group products and grants, Vinaka Fiji work in several different areas to provide a sustainable future for these islands and their inhabitants.

These areas are 1) children, schools and education 2) creating sustainable communities, and 3) marine research and conservation.

Alongside these development projects, Vinaka Fiji also runs Voluntourism programmes for groups of 10 or more, whereby volunteers can pay to participate in these projects such as helping to teach children in schools, building projects to make the villages more sustainable and in marine conservation research.


Should you wish to donate further (outside of buying an Awesome Adventures Fiji Package), you can make an online donation here.

For more information on Vinaka Fiji or on voluntourism opportunities in the islands, visit

Fuel Surcharge

Fuel Surcharge applicable for travel


South Sea Cruises currently has a fuel surcharge to take effect for customers travelling with us on a resort transfer as well as applicable day trips. 

South Sea Cruises also notes that since setting the 2023/24 transfer rates, the Fiji Government has removed the 10c per litre duty concession which South Sea Cruises had factored into our rates at the time of issue and has now had to absorb. 

The applicable fuel surcharges in effect for travel as of Friday, 1st December 2023 are as follows:

  • Awesome Adventures Fiji Package or Pass customers – $15 per person. 
  • Resort Transfer only customers travelling to/from all Yasawa Island Resorts (including Vomo) – $15 per adult/$7.50 per child (2-15 years only) for each one-way sector. 

All fuel surcharges stated are in FJD and include applicable taxes.

Weather Advisory



As at x.xxam this morning, South Sea Cruises/Awesome Adventures Fiji continue to monitor the various weather models including the Fiji Met who have issued a Heavy Rain Warning for the whole of the Fiji Group. This heavy rain warning coupled with what is expected to be rough seas has resulted in some disruption to our services. 

Resort Transfer services to the Yasawa Islands are cancelled today in the interest of customer and crew safety. We ask all customers for their patience and understanding in this regard.

To re-book and confirm your departure, please contact our Cruise Centre at or phone +679 9995512. Customers who can not travel on another date and require a refund should contact their booking agent or if booked directly with South Sea Cruises should email:

Weather Advisory #1


Awesome Adventures Fiji – South Sea Cruises Group
Wednesday 26 February – 6.15am


With the current weather forecast (strong winds and occasional rain today), resort transfers to the Yasawa Islands remain scheduled to operate today however, please note the following:

  • Small boat tendering from vessel to shore (or vice versa) will be challenging in such conditions and will only be undertaken in locations where vessel Masters deem it safe to do so. Resorts will need to make their own call as to whether they can safely transfer guests via tender boat to the location which respective vessel Masters deem it safe to tender. Chosen locations may not be as near as usual to respective resorts. Additionally, and given the current weather forecast, tendering may not occur on the western side of the Yasawa Islands. In some cases, the tendering process could be suspended or abandoned with little or no notice in the interest of customer and crew safety.
  • Customers should remain aware throughout the day that if heavy seas are deemed not safe to operate then the respective vessel Master may suspend SSCG vessel services altogether with little, or no notice. Such decisions will be made in the interest of customer, crew, and vessel safety.

Customers who need to amend or change a booking with South Sea Cruises because of the latest forecast should email: or call +679 9995512.


South Sea Cruises Group